This mix was intuitively guided by the Spirit of The Eagle for a themed event on Self-Leadership. When I sense into Self-Leadership for myself I think of an animal like the Eagle. You might find a different animal to join you on this journey. Explore that and have fun with it. The songs are a mix of songs I was drawn to on YouTube and then mixed with Garage Band on my laptop.
"All these energies [the 5Rhythms: flow, staccato, chaos, lyrical, stillness] come together in you. In your deepest center, you are the stillpoint. You are the rhythm beyond stillness, the feeling beyond compassion, the sexual energy beyond celibacy, the life force beyond death, the vibration beyond inspiration.The moving center is within you.” ~ Gabrielle Roth — Maps to Ecstasy How to use this mix
The Dance (some ideas if this is your first time) - Beginning with the singing bowls allows us to slow our movements into flow and also root into rooting. - Connecting with our heart-centre, the place of love and trust, we can begin to trust ourself to guide us on the dancing path and ask: how do I move at my core? - As we find ourselves rooting and flowing- we can begin to open like a flower - Hearing the Eagle calls can give us a birds eye view and we can let ourselves fly - In the last song ask: How can I build a shrine for all things Self-leadership - how does this translate into movement? The Tracklist
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